So lil time, yet so much to do, still am wasting precious time.
This morning (monday yer) its sooo hard for me to wake up. Reason? Had a rough journey back to JB from USJ.We were caught in traffic, there were 2 accidents occured from both lane, on a different occasion.
To all my fellow Malaysian, you may drive as you desire, at a racing course.
But then again, I'm not that courteous either. So boo me!
Anyway, I believe that I had gained some weight.
My shirts and pants are getting tighter each day.
Had a marvellous meal back home:
1. Sari Ratu - yummy good
2. Orkid Thai - havennn
Camner ni?
Its okay, this week kinda hectic. Have a lot of work to do. And I pity Kak Laila that she had to share piece of the work due to shortage of officers and time of course.
Then I have to attend the PTK for a week or so...the course is fixed from 21 til 30th of June.
So...that should be the slim down a bit...he he he
But I really pity Amy whom will be left alone since neither me nor Mazia is around.
Hopefully Iffa can teman her.
I really wish I could take up my PTK with my dear Tim and Nana, but they took earlier. But better still, I have my Jac and Bon for me to rely on...*evil laugh*
Take Care.