Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Our New Sofa - Yey!

Last night myself and Amy went to hunt for Cavenzi's sofa. Thanks to my beloved Kak Su and her hubby together with the adorable Imaan, we went all the way to Pandan (I have no idea where) and bought a lovely red 'L' shape sofa. They gonna deliver it tonight (yey)

Did i ever mention that our house is very spacious? And it look even more since we don't have any furniture to stuff in it. Thus, our house is just like a cave i.e echo. And there are times when neither of us understand what we're talking bout when we talk from a distant (e.g when I'm at the kitchen cooking and Amy terlentang watching tv - a very normal scenario people). Therefore, in order to reduce the echo, am stuffing the house with macam2 (Amy alone is 'too small' to reduce it *evil grin*)

Anyway, altho I just spent on the sofa, am still religiously comply to my strict budget. Have to come up with RM5k for the UK and Europe trip this coming October. I just pray that by then the swine fever dah takde supaya dapat tour dengan hati dan jiwa yang tenang bersama-sama my fave people.

Later people.