As for me,everyday my tummy will make noise. In fact, every second it does. So the best way to ignore this...I plan stuffs during lunch hour!
Oh yes,every single day during lunch hour I would make sure I'll stay awake. After finishing all my task (clarification,takut boss salah faham)its UNO time. The girls had promised there's another game called Bluff...which they will introduce (can't wait!)
Yesterday myself, Mazia, Kak Alin and K.Imah went to the bank and I forced the two big sis to pose with a beautiful background of the mosque.
Later myself, Mazia, Int, Amy, Mami and her hubby went to break fast at Secret Recipe, Alamanda. It was okay...and Ez joined us a bit later. Pity mami since she keep on going to the toilet due to her pregnancy sickness...illness?I dunno what to call it. Somehow, she freaks me a bit (well, a lot actually). I wonder does Tim, Kak Imah, Kak Alin, Jas, Jaja and Fara and the list goes on experienced the same thing? Hmmm...scary.
Here a pic of mami yang sakit and Amy with Ez talking yet look like having a cat fight...
After breaking fast with the girls, I rushed to Darussalam at Subang SS15 to meet Ayu. Although I and of course Ayu were both exhausted, yet we able to meet up and catch up a little bit. And the best part is, all of a sudden, the casual meeting turned out to be a serious discussion when suddenly issues of law being raised (darn) and we even rushed to the nearby cyber cafe to find cases for her trial the next day.A hectic night obviously! But then again, thanks to Tuan Sahak who managed to help me although he is still down with fever.
Finally we finished downloading the cases and discussion. I rushed home and went to bed at nearly 1 plus a.m.
This morning, I managed to wake up early and pushed off by 7.15 a.m. and we all know as a fact that Putrajaya allocates all the government offices (thus, where government servants are populated by the malays, mostly) therefore, massive jam is inevitable during Ramadhan. As a result, no parking! I parked at MOSTI...which is far. So today everything went smooth. Alamak, got to go...gotta meet my brother at Brickfield.
Had a pleasent day.
Later peeps.